Teeth Cleaning
in Lucknow
A teeth cleaning is a preventative treatment performed to thoroughly clean the teeth and gums. Regularly scheduled teeth cleanings are important for stopping the progression of gingivitis and periodontal disease.

The benefits of professional teeth cleaning include:
According to Dr. Atul Singh (MDS) having your teeth cleaned is essential in keeping the oral cavity in proper health and halting the progression of gum disease.

Plaque removal.
Tartar (also referred to as calculus) and plaque buildup, both above and below the gum line, can result in serious periodontal problems. Unfortunately, even with a proper home brushing and flossing routine, it can be impossible to remove all debris, bacteria and deposits from gum pockets. The experienced eye of a dentist or hygienist using specialized dental equipment is necessary to catch potentially damaging buildup

A healthier looking smile.
Stained and yellowed teeth can dramatically decrease the esthetics of a smile. Regularly scheduled teeth cleanings can, over time, help reverse these stains.

Fresher breath.
Bad breath (or halitosis) is generally indicative of advancing periodontal disease. A combination of rotting food particles (possibly below the gum line) and potential gangrene stemming from gum infection, results in bad breath. The routine removal of plaque, calculus and bacteria at our facility can noticeably improve halitosis and reduce infection.

Preventative Measure.
Professional dental cleaning can be performed at our office. We recommend that you schedule a teeth cleaning at least twice annually as a preventative measure, but should be completed every 3-4 months for periodontitis sufferers.
How Often Should I Get a Dental Cleaning?
How Painful are Dental Cleanings?
If the thought of getting a dental cleaning sends shivers down your spine, there is absolutely nothing to be afraid of. The procedure is not painful in any way. The only thing you will feel is some pressure and vibrations as Dr. Atul Singh at Mint Dental scrapes the cleaning tool against your teeth.
If the pressure or vibrations make you uncomfortable, we will do whatever it takes to make you more at ease.
What Does the Process Entail?
It is a relatively straightforward procedure. We will start off by protecting your clothes with an apron that serves as a bib. Then Lucknow dentist Dr. Atul Singh will then start removing tartar from your teeth using a small metal tool or an ultrasonic vibration device.
After removing all the tartar and stains you will rinse your mouth. Then he will polish your teeth using a paste. The paste will likely feel strange in your mouth, but a good rinsing will help you fix that.
Dr. Atul Singh will then use dental floss to clean between your teeth. That will loosen up any particles that are between your teeth. Finally, we will apply a fluoride treatment to strengthen your teeth.
If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment with Dr. Atul Singh at Mint Dental call +918795229292 or request an appointment by filling out the form on this page.
A top-rated clinical team
At Mint Dental keeping your smile healthy and beautiful is our top priority!
Under the leadership of Dr. Atul Singh (MDS) we provide you with dental care that is effective, gentle, and customized to meet your specific dental needs.
Our team stays a step ahead of the game with advanced training and dental services to make sure you receive nothing less than the best possible care.